Cowry or Cowrie is glossy brightly colored shell of a tropical invertebrate sea animal, which has a long central toothed opening. As per Hindu Mythology, Cowries have close relationship with Goddess Laxmi, both having been appeared from sea.
Besides being used as money in parts of Africa, South Asia, and the South Pacific, Cowries have become symbol of wealth, all round prosperity and love. Since ancient times, just simply the possession of properly energized cowry is considered to bring financial prosperity and all round materialistic growth.
For best results, properly energized and consecrated cowry should be kept in offices, homes, business places, preferably in places for keeping wealth e.g. cash box, jewelry box etc. The persons who are in creative field are also advised to worship cowries, as they resemble shape of yoni – the female genital organ, most primitive symbol of creation.
In tribal tradition, Kauries are also put on as pendant to the small children to ward off effect of negative energies. One may also keep energized and consecrated kaury in Diwali Pooja of Goddess Laxmi.
If you require detailed procedure and the other required materials e.g. specific rosary (Mala), specific cloth, vermilion etc. for installing and worshipping ‘Cowry or Cowrie’ and mantra specific to you, to be recited by you, just ask us, there is facility of sending them, on payment basis, by ‘’® to you along with your ‘Cowry or Cowrie’. However, If you require so, we energize and consecrate your ‘Cowry or Cowrie’, before sending to you, as per your specific and precise objective, without any fee, on complimentary basis.
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